Tribute to Calvin A Rodgers - Third Chairman of the ECSRC

Author: ECSRC    |    Thu, Dec 29th,2011

Calvin Antonio Rodgers has had many firsts in his distinguished career as a public servant and entrepreneur, but it is my considered opinion that the distinction of being selected to serve on the inaugural Board of the Eastern Caribbean Securities Regulatory Commission, followed by his tour of duty as its Chairman must certainly rank very highly among his accomplishments. Calvin Rodgers was first appointed to the Board of the Commission in October 2001 and served until 2009 when he retired having completed a two year tour of duty as Chairman. During his tenure as Chairman, he showed his concern for the risks associated with innovative financial products that were being introduced into our markets ahead of adequate regulation and supervision, while on the other hand being quick to point to the benefits of financial markets, particularly to the creation of wealth and the reduction in cost of capital. A very dignified and balanced personality with an endearing smile, Calvin will always be remembered for the genuine fellowship he engendered among his fellow Commissioners and for his signal contribution to the development of the fledgling securities market in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union. May his soul rest in peace.

A tribute by Chairman Errol N Allen

The past and present Commissioners and the staff of the Eastern Caribbean Securities Regulatory Commission extend condolences to the family of the late Calvin Rodgers.